The Cacchiones in Pittsburgh

Keep in contact and watch Adam, Justin, and Luke grow up, along with other south of Pittsburgh newsworthy items.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Adam and the barbershop

I get my hair cut by a guy named Rich. He's 74 years old (but looks and acts like he's 60), has been cutting hair for 56 years so he REALLY knows how to cut hair, and only charges $10 ($9.75 for kids).

Today was Adam's first day at a real barber. I told Adam Rich is very mean and doesn't like kids but Adam wasn't buying it.

Here are some videos of Adam's first barber experience.

Adam and the barbershop continued

Adam and the barbershop continued

Adam and the barbershop continued

And the final product of Adam getting his hair cut. He looks Great!

New Year's Eve 2011 at Grandma's and Grandpa's

As stated, we didn't make it to Lorain for Christmas, so we went there for New Years Eve. Then everyone got the flu!

Luke's Preschool Christmas Program

Luke had a really nice program at his preschool. Unfortunately I did not get any video of him being on stage, but after the event there were donuts, juice and coffee for everyone. Here is Luke at the donut eating event with the table of his preschool class mates/

Opening Presents 2010

Didn't make it to grandma and grandpa for christmas because we were all sick. Here we're opening presents on Christmas.

Christmas Tree Decorating 2010